
Why Do Advisors Consider Independence? Part 1

Post by Advisory Services Network in Insights on January 18, 2024

There is no shortage of firms that will explain to advisors how they can go independent. But too often lost in the discussion is the why. Why do advisors start to consider the independent path? The answers to that question vary, but they tend to crystallize around a handful of reasons, and in our conversations with hundreds of …

Working On Your Business. Not In It.

Post by Advisory Services Network in Insights on December 20, 2023

Benjamin Franklin famously said, “Time is money.” Perhaps if he had been a financial advisor, he might have altered things slightly, saying “Time is other people’s money.” After all, the primary responsibility of the advisor is helping the client attain the type of financial standing, and financial future, that will allow them to accomplish all …

ASN Advisor Questionnaire Sample

Thinking About Going Independent? You’re Not Alone.

Post by Advisory Services Network in Insights on November 16, 2023

The financial advice industry has long been dominated by large firms and wirehouses. For financial advisors, working for such organizations can provide a certain level of safety and support. But more and more financial advisors are considering striking it out on their own… and for good reason. When we ask the advisors who choose to …

The RIA M&A Environment: Slowing, But Still at Historically High Levels

Post by Advisory Services Network in Insights on September 29, 2023

After an absolutely torrid run, mergers & acquisitions activity in the RIA space has seen two consecutive quarters of decline for the first time since 2018, according to the industry watchers at DeVoe & Company[1]. Signs of slippage in the pace of deals emerged in Q4 of last year, when the number of deals declined …